Links-Our Members on the Web
Rose Bowls - An article showing some wonderful examples of glass rose bowls by Joyce McGee a former member of Glasfax District IV. If you are interested in growing roses, you may wish to poke around this site. Harry McGee, also a Glasfax member, is the author of several books with topics ranging from roses to family histories.
Opalescent Glass - An article outlining the history of Victorian era opalescent glass by Carl Hearn, Glasfax District IV.
Canadian Maple Leaf - An article by Sid Lethbridge, Glasfax District IV, on the Maple Leaf pattern produced by the Diamond Glass Co., Montreal and its successors for the journal Pressglas Korrespondenz. It is in German but there are pictures of the pattern in green, opaque blue and opal.
Chalet Art Glass - Chalet Artistic Glass of Cornwall, Ontario is the subject of Deborah Patterson's excellent website. There are great photos, a history of the firm and a forum for the collector interested in this great Canadian glass! Deborah is a former member of District X.